Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Relief Work and Fund raising in Al-Ain

Seems like aid is coming in from everywhere and in a great quantity, the response of the people from all over the world has been just amazing. Even here the Arab professors in UAE University have been contributing funds a local Faculty staff told me that when I showed her the pamphlet which I wanted to stick on notice boards across the Uni. This Indian peon who works in my faculty took all the pamphlets from me and went on to stick them in every building of the University campus.I am thinking of distributing these pamphlets to the cab drivers who happen to be all Pathans and would ask them to distribute them among their clients. Although they have been very active on their own, thanks to the TV Khyber, in visting banks and depositing sums. These cab drivers dont make much of the money but it is a great gesture from their side.

Atleast one end of the pipeline is working fine that is the input end, but now the major problem which is coming up is actually in getting the goods distributed to the effected areas. So far it seems its quite chaotic as some areas end up getting more aid and some aren’t getting any, this also might be the result of road damage and weather. Also there are news of looting from the people whose areas haven’t even been effected(now how barbaric is that). Plus once the trucks and vans get there eventually it seems quite chaotic when they start distributing among people, again a very natural scenario would you expect from people starving and without shelter since days to actually stand in queue like pure gentlemen? hell we don’t do that even in our normal daily lives. But all of this is not making the relief effort any effective. I read on Karachi Metblog that a joint action committee has been setup within different NGOs, which I think is a great idea. I believe those who haven’t joined yet, should also join this alliance. Plus I would seriously advice to people who are planning to go to those areas for volunteer work is to get registered with some NGO, because unless there is someone to guide you out there it will be very difficult for you to be of any help and you might just end up becoming a burden. I have heard Doctors are needed so you guys better go.

As far as Security is concerned I believe rangers and army should send out more personals, there is so much need of scouts right now(School authorities, pay attention just creating hard working and high grade achievers doesn’t always help). For distribution and traffic management I would suggest setting up base camps in Islamabad and Abottabad and secondary camps in other affected areas. Routing the traffic from base camps would might just be effective. Plus traffic jams are creating issues from ambulances to carry out wounded ones from out of the cities, this should be sorted out on urgent basis too I believe choppers should be employed for transporting wounded ones.

Finally check out this link, I guess we better prepare for the future.


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