Monday, September 27, 2004


Everyone you better listen to U2’s new record “Vertigo” from the upcoming album which shall be released in November. It’s a hell lot of cool rock song. Its just amazing how this band keeps coming up with remarkable singles. Just do get hold of it and listen

So after trying to grow my hair unsuccessfully for four months, finally today I gave in. why was I trying for such a change with my rapidly receding hairline, I have no idea(maybe an old desire of following the likes of Roberto Baggio I should follow his never say die attitude rather than this). And right when I started enjoying this new change, I gave in to some pressure and my own uncertainty. Usually when I go for some change I am quite certain about it but this time I wasn’t and it quickly became all messy, yea it felt good ;) but sure was getting all untidy and wasn’t suiting me. I guess I should realize now am not blessed with good hair and should stop playing with them. I know I know its lame to talk about your hair style or appearances and there are so many other things which I should be Thankful about which I am, but sometimes we just go off the track and today was one of that day.



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