Monday, September 06, 2004


At times when I have enough thoughts to fill this blog, I don’t seem to have time and when I have spare time I don’t feel like writing. That’s what been happening since past 15 or more days and hence so fewer updates. There might another reason that life has become so monotonous that even whatever I write, looks like a copy from my archives.
They say idle mind is a devil’s workshop when my mind is idle I start thinking about all the missed opportunities, escape plan from this routine and curse myself about not taking any steps. Its not that I am not doing well in professional life, mashAllah say things are pretty stable but I just know that things can’t and won’t stay like this for long and day by day escape window is getting shorter. One of my desires to go for MS is still very much alive and burning but for that the biggest obstacle is GRE and for GRE I need to make huge efforts. It all comes down to making time available (maybe I need a course on time management ;) ) The ever growing list of “things to do” is an annoying feeling. In short I am sick of floating (how successfully don’t care) without any direction because it might lead me to a waterfall at the end. It is high time that I start moving my hands and head out for one of the directions that I always wanted to.




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