Sunday, August 22, 2004

Lost and Found(or maybe not)

For many people this post will be a big “BLAH” and a piece of crap even a side of me is trying its best to stop me from posting it. But I wont stop its my blog and I can write whatever crap I want to.

Hmmmmm ok what made me write a post at 5 AM Sunday morning? I am not really sure maybe its excitement maybe its anxiety or maybe I feel I have achieved a prize of which I had little or no hope but always desired. Almost a year back a very special friend left without leaving any possibilities of making a contact again(or maybe that’s what I presumed). I felt a big vacuum had been created in my life. Whenever I felt like talking to someone or sharing out certain news I always and always thought of that person (Note: to rest of my friends please please don’t feel less important). Its natural you always give more importance to something you don’t have or have lost, same was my case. But nevertheless that person was a very important part of my life.

And now today I found that person again writing away on some online community, since I had joined that place I knew it if I ever gonna find its gonna be this place. And now after achieving it, there is a fear in my heart. A fear as if this is a dream or a fear that things have changed. Million questions are popping in my mind, answers I wanted, stories I wanted to hear, words of comfort I craved for. Was I missed as much as you were? Whenever you felt like talking to some one or cry your heart out, was ever possible presence of my existence crossed your mind? Did you seek out for me as much as I did. At least I believe the answer is yes.
Friends have always been integral part of me and I have always look towards them in times of happiness of sadness and to lose even an acquaintance is hard on me. So If by any chance "you" are reading this, do respond, don’t leave without your words. Friends are not meant to be discarded no matter how much difficult the situation is.




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