Sunday, September 26, 2004

Marathon Effort

Twenty one years, that is a long period for most of the activities but to continue working for this much time at the same place with nearly all the same people with the same routine that takes some effort. From 1983 till 2004 my father taught as professor of Biochemistry to first/second year medical students at Arab medical university in Libya.
I believe the only motivation he had was he wanted to see his children get top quality education and I must say that was some strong will. To live in a place which is socially isolated and nearly 5 years or more behind our country and not to mention for past 9 year he has been living there alone, I cant find words to praise his efforts. I remember when we were young how much he got out of his way to collect our missing notes or made arragement for tuitions. And when we were in universities how he managed to get funds by working extra time or asking people for temporary loans just to pay our fee on time. In the end mashAllah say he has achieved it all. I got graduated in May 2000 and this is Hammad’s last year seems like perfect timing for him to come back.
But I wonder what would be his feelings, coming back from a place where he spent majority of his professional career. Where he was given so much respect and recognition and now to coming back to his family and his homeland, must be mixed emotions. I just hope he settles down soon here.
In the end, I would like to thank him for all he did for us, for all his efforts in making me what I am today. Thanks Baba.



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