Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Seven habits of highly effective people

My friend Sidz is supposed to give a presentation on the seven habits of highly effective people, while having our convo following are the ones we thought are must have if you want to be any sort of effective at your workplace.

1) They sleep at work.
2) They snore while sleeping.
3) They dish out all of their work to their juniors.
4) If u say 1 =1 they will still try to make it 1=2
5) Love to boss everyone aroubnd and be a manager (courtesy to sidz)
6) Will always be late for work and make sure they assign you loads of work right before 5 PM.
7) Will make many changes to the requirements and then when those are implemented will revert back to the old ones, but then again will come up with new ones and this cycle wil go on until deadline becomes a milestone from past.

So if you want to have any say at work just follow these guidelines and rest assured you shall have a successful future *grin*.



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