Friday, March 11, 2005

Lost Mind and Numb Fingers

*One of those posts which I shall never read*

I am in a weird state right now, its like my mind is saying one thing and my body another. I wish to write and my fingers(which are almost numb) are not allowing me to. I feel like my mind will explode at any second, and I want to scream and scream out loud or beat a hell out of anyone :P. ok ok dont get scared, wont hurt you people. Really not sure is it Overdose of work, too many stupid confrontations or just a tension of handling one too many colleagues all wanting to get their work done first(have I written this before???. Although I will never ever admit that it is because of extra responsibilty). But Whatever it is, it sure is causing uneasyness in me and its getting quite noticeble to everyone. oh well I must go its 2:30AM abhee, back to work at 10.

ciao ciao

*End of another as usual workload whining session*



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