Monday, December 20, 2004

President and Traffic Jams

Whenever our “Dear President” and his fellow “Dear Companions” visit Karachi, traveling in Karachi becomes a nightmare. The time he decides to move the most busiest road in this city suffers the most and as a result all the citizens using that road get stuck in huge traffic jams simply because our security personals are very efficient in blocking a road but do not give a single thought for alternative routes. At times people are in real emergency situations where delay of a minute can be of serious consequences but it seems that concern for citizens welfare has been put far behind long ago in this country. If you have so much threat to your security why don’t you build a castle close to the airport and spare us all from the trouble or even if that is not possible then atleast do travel at the most non peak hour. That day no one had any good words for you and trust me you weren’t earning any prayers from your citizens.



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