Sandspit fun
Another one week break :), me getting lazy right? Anyhow Sands pit (and not Hawksbay) was quite fun. Even though it was just our department which meant quite a few friends of mine from other departments were missing but still we made good use of what we got. Starting with half an hour of soccer in which my team lost badly :( and I ended up injuring my foot. I believe it was my lack of stamina and lack of quality of other teammates which made it quite a mess. Anyhow after relaxing for like 20-30 minutes on the beach , getting wet in salty water and warned by lifeguard, setup volley ball net and that’s when the real fun began. Won first set quite comfortably, Faisal served well and we were more organized bunch. Second set started and I took up the service and immediately started having major advantage of wind blowing towards right. That’s the fun of playing volley ball in open and in blowing wind if you have enough control you can use the wind to swing your service just the right amount and bamboozle the opposition. That’s exactly what happened and we went 7-0 straight ahead but the best part we lost that set :D. 1-1 going into third I came on net hit few smashes and dropped few pass the net, Faisal controlled the center court well taking up all the serves, damn fun it was, 2-1. Fourth set again took up the serve but we lost it again after taking up a good lead I think there was something wrong with that side :P and even I played badly. anyhow could never start 5th and final set because of bad light otherwise it would have been fun.
Had snacks and went for the walk. Came back had shower some of them were watching “Indian song videos” frankly I could not find the point in it of having that activity in a beach hut so went upstairs on the roof with my mp3 player and sat there in open and little bit of moon light before dinner was served. After dinner, had a bit of usual “taking on” session and headed our way back. By 12 I was home and it felt I had been working out for hours every single joint was aching. Had another shower took three painkillers and ZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Woke up at 14:00 on Sunday and then it was all the same routine week. This week “Customer Care” will be going there and medussa knows very well how much everyone must be so disappointed about the “missed opportunity” ;).
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