Gadgets Mania
Recently two of the gadgets have taken place in my life. One I bought after thorough thinking and checking out all the pros and cons. Second was the instant buy and I guess both of them have become integral part of my life now. The first one IRiver IFP-190T is a 256 MB Mp3 player which comes with a FM tuner. It sure is damn portable and have great sound quality. Its rated quite well in Amazon too and for 70$ I guess it was a good bargain.

The Second piece although very expensive but one the state of the art stuff and the “in” thing these days. I came across it while roaming around one of the malls in Dubai and instantly made a decision that I must have it. Ladies and Gentlemen yes here it is my own PSP.

Yup yup so I have this portable play station with me and I must say it sure lives up to its expectation and its high price tag :(. Along with games it can play music files plus movies too(though I haven’t tried any yet). And If I can somehow get a hand on wireless router I can bring it online and use it for browsing. For Games right now I got NFS and Soccer Discs with it. And they are enough to take one – two hours of life everyday. Lets just hope that both these gadgets stay in shape , Ameen.
PS: Tomorrow our department is goind to hawksbay, hoping for some fun. yup Medussa its dept wise now.
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