Friday, January 21, 2005


I know this shop keeper since 7 years maybe and we get along pretty well. But yesterday he said something which was quite unexpected and showed how little he know of me. I had couple of soiled 5 Rs notes with me and I just presented those to him and asked him will they work? He burst out saying that the reason I present him with such notes is that I hope that he will accept them because we are in good terms with each other, in other words he meant I take advantage of him and discard my soiled cash to him, potentially causing him loss if those notes don’t get accepted anywhere. I stood there in shock, I wanted to tell him but could not. I wanted to explain it to him that I only wanted an opinion and never wanted him to take any risk. He could have easily say No and not humiliate(maybe he didn’t realize that) me in front of other customers.

But the thing which hurts me most is when someone completely miss understands me and blames me falsely. I never ever try to hurt anyone and taking advantage of someone would be the last thing I do, but he thought otherwise. I hope he changes his opinion.



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