Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Off to Sharjah

Off to Sharjah to meet couple of friends who landed into UAE, couple of weeks back during the conference frenzy, see you guys on Friday now.

Btw one of them is Silent Spring too :D.


Oh well ok I couldn’t go grrrrr, car isn’t ready yet ab will get it tomorrow at noon that means I will have to drive in most hot conditions to Dubai :( sad, very very sad. Conference was hectic(to say the least) full time, at the end of the I used to get soo tired that coming online felt like a hard task. Providing technical support seems easy but its not. I mean most of the time you are waiting for someone to call you up for some help and waiting is a pain. So when doing nothing I was just walking in corridor or sitting somewhere doing nothing just waiting. Hardly any paper was of interest to me just attended 2-3 to be max. God knows how many different types of USB flash memories I saw in those 3 days really of all kinds and shapes :P and tell me why would people walk away with laser pointers grrrrrr these are professors I am talking about. lol ok in one funny incident this guest speaker from Australia after his presentation was having coffee in another room. That time I was in the main hall uploading some presentations and I could hear someone talking but there was no one else inside the hall and then I realized this guy has this wireless mic in his pocket and its on and all his chatting was making its way into the hall :D, good for him no one else listened to his talking.

Attendance itself was very disappointing I was told. Crowd would go maximum just before lunch as expected :P, yeaaaa foood was free and foood was good and it is nothing like free food and awesome desserts :D, yaaaay.

This colleague of mine who is senior to me, plus the main IT coordinator for the conference had a row with our director and decided to skip the conference. It was a complete misunderstanding and he acted like a kid so hence more load on me. But in a sense it was good because he really bosses around and tries to be over efficient (I hate people who are complete opposite of what they want others to be) so I didn’t have him on my head which was quite relaxing plus that way I got to know many people and it turned out to be a good network builder though not sure how much it will help. But it feels good when you earn people’s respect. Anyhow enough of this time to sleep and now tomorrow in scorching heat I will be off to Dubai.



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