Saturday, December 31, 2005

Happy New year

Feeling weird, sleepy and dizzy and to put it in short terrible right now. Slept for just 3 or a little more than that, hours last night and being up since 6. Already had two cups of coffee but it seems like it backfired and now in a pretty irritated mood, even listening to music doesn’t seem to help, grrrrrrrr. Weekend was fun, went to Dubai to meet this old friend of mine who moved to UAE just around the same time I did. His company owner owns a club too so at night we decided to check it out. It was a nice place, small, not crowded, though DJ wasn’t great but guzara tha. Hanged out there for couple of hours and came back. Next day after prayers, weather suddenly turned pleasant so we decided to head off to Jumeira beech. Nice beech, clean sand and water and crowd of all sorts. Came back from Dubai late at night.

Oh yea I did pass the reverse/parking test(Thanks to everyone who prayed and wished) had to wait for an eternity for my turn, infact I was the last one to take it so you guys can imagine how much frustrated I must have gotten plus it got quite dark too so had few problems in sighting the marks during reverse and had my tire scratched a bit against the boundary but got out of it :P. Then late at night went to watch HP and Goblet of fire on its first day. Missed first fifteen minutes though because of some confusion with the venue because initially I had reached the wrong cinema which had an early show, khair it was a fun movie. I guess so far the best in Harry Potter’s series, cool effects but it felt like I was watching the highlights of the book , quite fast paced movie maybe a three hour duration next time would do slight more justice to the book. Though the death scene of Cedric could have been performed a lot better, it was weird felt as if they just wanted to end the movie.

For cooking Yesterday was white karahi day from shaan masala, it tasted good. Today I am heading back to Dubai for new year’s eve (sound idiot, rite?).

Btw I have a strong feeling that my stupid writing style and bad bad English has turned many readers away :P, though I claim to not think about readers much but it is always good to few people as readers :P so it is a sad discovery.

Just went out for couple of minutes back and weather is nice (that has cheered me up), windy, for a while no sun and it was quite chill so I guess it will be one cold night here in UAE.

Happy New Year to all of you, may you guys have an even better year this time inshAllah and loads of happiness and success in your way. Same goes for our country.

For me 2005 was one roller coaster ride, started off with me winning a bronze medal for performance at work, then a promotion, then series of idiotic mistakes at work making me fall. 10 days of “official” trip to Dubai for work, later on getting an offer from my current place. Moved to UAE in September, got committed in November so yea some year and now looking forward to 2006 ;).



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