Thursday, February 10, 2005

Difference of Perception

This post "Of Moons and Rotis" from a friend of mine Virtuous Lady is about how people have different way of looking at things(line taken from her blog :P). Just before reading this post I had an interesting argument with a friend which got me bit hyped-up too(should not have provoked me), didn’t save the log :(. Anyways she thinks that people who blog are actually desperate who have nothing better to do in life and are looking for fame. She used the word “khuwar”. And I guess we all bloggers know how inaccurate is this. It seriously pisses me off when people label anything which is unusual for them as lame and keep saying it at your face and include you in the similar category. I would call it extreme narrow minded thinking. And yea most ironic part is when you point out any of their weird habit they will call you narrow minded.



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