Wondering why the title is the other way round, rather than the usual “Lost and Found”? It’s because that’s how this story goes :P. Well it was quite a while that I was looking for a cat to adopt as a pet (Weird? Well I just wanted one) and was set on adopting one from http://adoptafelinefriend.wordpress.com/ but the kind of lazy being I am, this never happened. Anyhoo, one evening after parking my car in one of the malls (Carrefour), I saw this cute white little cat coming out from under one of the parked cars and immediately curled up around my leg and started purring. It seemed lost, out of place, and hungry. I noticed a nasty wound on the right side of its body, so decided to take it to a vet. But in order to lure it into my car I had to go to Carrefour, buy some cat food and a bowl so it could start trusting me. It finally entered into my car after the aforementioned ritual (that whole process took around 40+ minutes and 4 – 5 calls to my friends in Karachi who have cats :P). The vet gave it some injections and I was finally allowed to take it back to my home (does that come under theft :S? Frankly, there was no way to report it and plus it looked lost for many days anyways!)
So I had the cat and it was fun to have it. It was definitely someone’s beloved and well cared for pet because it was properly trained and very close to humans. Had its moods, would ask for food, would try talking to me, would play with soft rubber balls and would try to eat my food :|. The only problem it had was big sharp nails and would not allow me to dare touch its toes, so I was kinda scared in venturing in that area anyways :P. Nevertheless, when I would touch its ear, it would sprawl around on floor very comfortably and would watch me do my errands with curious eyes.
Anyways, 10 days later that is on 21st, I was to take her to the vet again for her 2nd round of shots. That day since morning it was in some of pain and was complaining to me about something. I somehow got it into the pet carrier box, which she didn’t like at all and was meowing and trying to force her way out. On reaching to vet’s clinic and after we finally took it out, it created a whole lot of a scene there, running from one end to the another; the poor thing thought that the glass window was open and it twice rammed its head with full speed in it :S. We finally caught it and the vet was able to give it an injection. That’s it, after that it was all calmed down and ready to go home, right? No, wrong! One last act to the drama was left. As soon as I stepped out of the clinic, one bang and the cat broke through the carrier box and off it ran for its dear life; and within moments gone, out of sight and I was just dumbfounded. I searched for an hour, looking for her, under the cars, in the alleys, shop corners, but it was gone like an apparition, vanished like a ghost in thin air.
It’s been 8 days now and I have given up any hope of its return :(. Those were 10 days full of fun, and I have realized keeping a pet is a huge responsibility, which I failed :|. So few lessons learnt
1) Check and double check if you have locked the pet carrier box properly.
2) Never ever fry anything with your sleeves up.
3) Check the weather forecast before going to the concert :|.
4) my writing style is like a 5 yr old kids essay :S, okay I dont want to even read it for editing, sucks so bad...

Labels: Cat, Pet