Bye bye, there was hardly any other option. It was good offer and I had to let go. Though I will definitely miss it. It was one hell of a car, gave problems but just driving it made me feel on top of this world. The feel, the sound, handling was just awesome. Anyone who traveled or drove it simply loved it. I think it is not a good idea to have bimmer as a first car, one can have serious biased opinions about the rest. I hope it makes his next owner feel the same way.

So tonight I am flying back to Karachi and soon a whole new chapter shall start in my life, it will be one hell of a change but as everyone goes through it. I must too. Though It’s a pretty freaky and nervous feeling. God bless us.
Oh btw I forgot to mention in previous post and I should had. A truly wonderful friend of mine Reej was here last month for her training. Although we could only meet up twice but it was just wonderful, its amazing that with some people you can just click as if you have been really old friends. Areej is a great company to have, though I really troubled her with my stupid navigation skills and I think we got lost twice in Dubai while driving but it was fun and I should thank her for that :D. she totally rocked.