Friday, July 30, 2004

Ok I wasn’t like that, I never used to scold people on their acts (read annoying acts). Never ever used to get frustrated or agitated with extra work load or pressure inserted in order to get the work done. Tense yea but no signs of displeasure. I would never allow people remarks/comments regarding me get on top of my head and blow me. This isn’t Saad I knew, this isn’t me. Recently I have noticed a change in me, I would easily get annoyed if loaded with extra work and having people constantly inquiring about the status. I would pass angry glance at drivers(specially bikers)  making stupid moves on road (I still believe their licenses should be snapped and they should be whipped for their acts). I would make sure to have a talk with the person who either steps on me in bus or blocks my way or just bumps me without caution.  And yea I would even yell at myself like I feel right now coz its 2:45 AM and i shud be in bed not here posting argghh.
Couple of days back I asked a colleague to ---k off just because twice he called me “badey mian” (I still feel he was rude) but that doesn’t give me right to show him my middle finger. And yea I would show it to any driver who would honk his horn for no reason. Two months back I had again lost my cool, when a colleague was constantly asking me when I will be done with my work and that too 15 minutes after assigning it and we both knew it wont take less than 2-3 hours. This is not me. My GIKI friends would agree ( I hope they do :))

When I came back to Karachi, I used to find it quite silly when people show ed  their anger at each other. Then I had this fear that one day I might be one of them and now when I look at myself, I feel my fear is turning into a reality. I am becoming one of them, frustrated of this world, wanting to get things done their own way, having thin temper control line. But I don’t want to be them, I want to be once again ultra cool and be a person who would shrug off any remark, any annoying act with a smile. I want to be Saad again.



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